Saturday, May 09, 2009

Why I don't talk here anymore

I don't want people to read carefully crafted blog entries (a few are, I admit) and figure me out. I want people to read me, in person, and know me, if they want to.

The pin-drop silence is eerie. Makes me want to drop off the radar. You know, shut all my windows and doors and hatch a plan for world domination from my room. It feels familiarly bipolar, being this, today, and that, yesterday.

Yes, I feel like one of those people who love dogs so much that they'd do anything for one. Yet can't have one because they're allergic to them.

C'est la vie, you say? Ouch. To think that it's chipping off at my very existence.

All that said and done, I better get back to my plan for world domination.

Your very own next-door Evil Overlord,

P.S.: I am over-punctuating, amn't I?

P.P.S.: The plans are documented in Frenglish (Franglais).


Aditi said...

Youuuuuu blog , blog aaaannnd blog.


I want to read.
fyi, I'm allergic to dogs but I still had one and I'm going to get another one once I'm done with college :D

blahg Taam!

Avantika. said...

You are one of the few people who got me to blog.
You are one of the most brilliant writers I know.
You used to inspire me.
YOU can't stop blogging.

Peace amigo.