It's a bit before midnight and I just got through the second chapter of Thomas and Finney. Nice book, that. But I have a slight problem. I need someone to talk to.
Not anyone though.
Someone who isn't studying math at a quarter to midnight only in want of getting into an IIT.
But someone who just fell in love with Calculus. Someone who just discovered how beautiful abstract math can get. Someone whose heart pumps twice as fast while listening to Alanis Morissette. Someone who appreciates her brilliant songwriting. Someone who spent three hours understanding normal forces, the shortest section in any Physics text and when he finally got it, tried explaining it to his Mom in his excitement. Someone who wasted quarter hour on this blog though he wields only four hours a day.
Someone who's just as much in need of the same kind of company.
Mortals need social interaction.
I'm only mortal, damnit.
I need to talk to another me.
I know I'll find another me.
I trust I'll find another me.
Her. HER!
I won't SPELL OUT her name, but, here's the hint:
(Okay, I'll help you a bit with it. In dictionary mode, BAD can also be which other word? Get it? Get it? Ugh, I'll keep quiet.)
I like Crazy.
By Alanis Morissette?
It’s nice.
I sing it all the time.
And I listen to it once a day, at least.
But sadly, that’s the only Alanis Morissette song I know of.
Oooo and the spoof on My Humps, which is HILARIOUS!!!
But really, if you want to talk to another you, you just have to.. make him up.
It works, a bit.
But only a bit.
OR, you can talk to a journal!!
I have one.
His name’s Ernie.
He’s my son, actually.
Which I begot through Immaculate Conception ONLY, thank you very much.
I don’t like some of the people I’m with, either.
But the other’s, I can’t do without.
But sometimes, even they tend to get a bit.. Disillusioned.
Like what Alanis says in Crazy –
“In a world full of people, only some want to fly isn’t that crazy?”
Isn’t it, though?
So I talk to my journal.
I read somewhere that when you feel lost and alien at a place, getting something you like from home will comfort you. I obviously couldn’t bring Ellie, my elephant. TOY elephant.
No, even I’M not that far gone.
So I take my journal to school, and write in it.
And when I feel like talking to someone who’s at the same mental level as me, since I’m the only one I know of, I talk to myself too. Only, not verbally. Cuz, people might think you’re a bit.. mentally hassled if they see you talking to yourself.
But, who can see what you’re doing in your head?
So I talk to myself.
Though sometimes I talk out loud too, just to freak people out.
But that’s what *I* do. Maybe you’ll find some other cure?
Good luck with that.
I have the Thomas/Finney book too, except that it has a black background with bluish things on it, that look like falling comets or shooting stars or somethin :) Its the only reason, appart from Resnick-Halliday, I survived through 11th grade :) I feel all happy after reading you're blog, coz I feel that way almost all the time. Though in not so-uumm-sciencee way, but I know exactly what you're talking about. I agree with the person who wrote below, talking to you'reself helps. Thats what I always do :)
P.S- I was just reading through Nikhil's blog and I randomly clicked on your's and came to this site. And I screwed up one section on the SAT :|
-Anita :)
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