Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Majority wins?

I've been part of a few teams now. Small teams, big teams, humongous teams, imbalanced teams, teams teeming with talent and teams reeking of indolence. Teams, teams. Some more teams.

When it comes to making decisions collectively, team leaders are only doing their duty in being politically correct and organizing a vote. But is it always the best thing when majority wins?

I've learnt otherwise.

Obviously, I can't exemplify through personal experiences considering I'm still part of a lot those teams. And want to remain part of them. Heh.

It seems real right, doesn't it, the concept of a vote? I mean, obviously the options would be deliberated upon individually by each member and using their experience and insight, a personal choice would be made, which if part of the majority would be the right choice.


That's the flaw with voting.

It's only in an ideal situation that an individual's choice isn't affected by foreign influences. It's only in an ideal situation that the rationale behind each individual choice was perfect. It's only in an ideal situation that the members of the team are intellectually mature (read: s.m.a.r.t) enough to deliberate upon the subject of the vote.

Of the above 'idealistic assumptions', one stands out as being the most idealistic: the assumption that alien influence upon a voter's thought process is non-existent.

During a vote, there is a high tendency that each voter loses his identity to his peers, the voters . Even though an option doesn't seem like the best option for the team as a whole, an influential voter can single-handedly turn the tide of a vote such that the option he votes, is the majority's option. It happens. Much too often.

Bureaucracy in an institution is  a direct result of hierarchy. Hierarchy is, to an extent, the result of democratic titling of people. Dictatorship suddenly seems so. much. more. efficient. Hell, it is. Alexander, Caesar and Hitler conquered nations. Single people. Not bureaucratic, politically correct governments. Without too much insight, it seems rather counter-intuitive to the logical mind that a dictator's efficiency mauls that of a government; aren't dictators 'bad'? But it does.

I know you know, I'm just saying!

From the eyes of an aesthete

*stuff edited out*

Look at what those morons - ahem - esoteric bunch of scientists at MIT, possessing never-before-heard-of IQ levels through the gene mutation therapy their Stanford counterparts have devised for them, are doing with the Standard Atomic Model. They hack away at it like it's a cake or something. Why? So that it works. Well, yeah, d'oh, that's what they do, they make things work.

It really repulses when things are made to work, though. Like in Chemistry. The exceptions. Hell, there seem to be more exceptions than rules! It's like a whole bunch of kludges were mashed up to form the subject we know as Chemistry.

But on the other hand, I think my aesthete-tendencies are a shortcoming more than anything else. I could make this sound less like I'm whining and more like a philosophical discourse, but here goes nothing. Being an aesthete seems to stem from my disability to handle complications. Maybe complications aren't all that bad. It's only because I find complications, well, too complicated to deal with, that I loathe them.

Everything is indeed a complication. We should've had boxes for bodies if absolute simplicity was absolute beauty. The fact is, we don't. And that clearly proves that it isn't. It's just that some of us can handle complications while others can't. And it's not just that. Some of us can handle 'more complicated' complications while the rest of us can't.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I, me and myself: Egotist musings

I've always wanted to blog about myself forgetting that I might have an audience reading the entry. And here I am, doing just that. Hell, it's okay if it changes your perception of me, I'm not about to care. It's all part of my plan to get rid of my consciousness.

I, am a very jealous person. Just short of having emerald green eyes pierce when I set them upon you. But my jealousy isn't very materialistic. Id est, I don't care if you have a swanky cell phone, a gold-studded watch or a designer tee. What I do care about though, is if you have raw brainpower, organizational ability, a clear mind, focus and/or determination. Out of which, I really do care if you're high on the raw brainpower bit. I can envision myself greasing and oiling my cogs and getting at par to where you are with your focus, determination and whatnot. But what I can't envision myself doing, is getting more cogs themselves. Thus, with the notion that the number of cogs per head is a constant, in an effort to calculate my 'constant,' I end up making guinea pigs out of my acquaintances, benchmarking them in terms of their 'constant' and thereby building this great big hierarchy up in my head of 'constants'. Constants, constants and more constants.

I also am one hell of a perfectionist. Perfectionism is not always a good thing if it isn't backed up by perseverance. Yes, perfectionists who lack perseverance do exist. And those kinds, are the worst kinds. They procrastinate away at their work scared that they aren't going to be able to perfect it. And in doing so, they end up doing a shoddy job so that they can get it done before a deadline. I, most blatantly fall into this category of people. And I desperately want to change.

My perfectionism isn't all bad, though. I thoroughly love myself when I understand a concept, be it Physics, Computer Science or Human Psyche because understanding for me, is a big thing. It's a milestone that I reach only when I've got a close-to-perfect grasp of the concept in question. And the urge for that kind of grasp, is directly a result of my perfectionism. My design sense, also with which I'm pretty happy, is another consequence of my perfectionism. Perfectionism, perfectionism and more perfectionism.

Another one of my more ostensibly innocent traits, is in being diplomatic. It's part of my don't-piss-anybody-off nature. And while being useful, it's also made me a vile, two-faced scoundrel. Okay, maybe not a vile, dirty, two-faced scoundrel. More like a vile, dirty, low-down, multi-faced scoundrel. In an effort to be pro-everyone, I've more than once had to oscillate among views while sharing them with different people. A bunny-faced monster I'm stopping right in its tracks and getting rid of, this one. I'll still be a diplomat, though. Just not on issues I personally have views on.

Creepy, eh?

Well, that's how I work, sorry.